How to control GPIO on Jetson_nano_emmc?

I want to set GPIO2(model pin 124) GPIO3(model pin 126) as output pin,and also i can set it to be Hige or Low,so what need I to do?

hello CN_MKLS_YUAN ,

you may control them via sysnode, please also check this discussion thread, Topic 144550, for several ways to access GPIOs. such as, kernel APIs, python scripts, C++ samples.


If you want to just set them from terminal maybe you can use these commands:

sudo sh -c "echo 124 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
sudo sh -c "echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio124/direction"
sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio124/value" # High
sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio124/value" # Low

You can check the status of the GPIOs using:

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio


Hi robertogs2&JerryChang
Thanks for your help
According to JerryChang’s instructions and combining robertogs2 's instructions, I have been able to successfully control GPIO02 and GPIO03.
But I want to use an APP to monitor the data of the system and control the GPIO to give feedback on the data. I haven’t thought of how to solve it.
I have only recently started to use NANO, and I don’t know much about programming, haha


In the topic provided by JerryChang, there is a reference to a Python Package that I think you can use as a start for your application: Jetson GPIO. Maybe that could help you start developing it by using Python, by following the instructions and the samples there.

Best regards,

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