How to do remote Firmware Updates on Windows

I am looking to remotely update Firmware for the Mellanox MCX556-ECAT

As far as I was able to find out, I have to compress the Firmware (.bin) file to a .mfa2 File, which I was able to do.

Now, according to the documentation, ( I need to use either ethtool or devlink to burn the firmware.

How ever, it seems to me that ethtool and devlink are native commands on Linux, and not available on Windows.

So, while the title of this question is a bit more general, and I’d appreciate additional guidance, right now I’m just trying to find out how to get access to the ethtool or devlink command


Hi Charlie

You use this card as InfiniBand or Ethernet ?


Hello Suo,

I’m using this card as InfiniBand


Hi Charlie

You can download a MFT from following link

And then you can upgrade FW by use flint

flint -d lid- -i xxxx.bin b
