How to import MaterialX to Omniverse Create?

From my understanding, Omniverse Create supports MaterialX since ver3. I found the extension for MaterialX in Omniverse Create and enabled it, but till could not find a concrete way to import it.

Could you tell me how to import MaterialX to Omniverse Create?

Hello @teyon.son! We do support MaterialX but I have not tried to import this myself. I’ll need to reach out to the dev team for some help here.

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Hello, @WendyGram .
Thank you for your response, I will wait for the dev team’s response :)

Hello @teyon.son! I’ve just got confirmation from the dev team that MaterialX isn’t supported in RTX yet. I will inform our documentation team that this needs to be updated in our docs.

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Hi, @WendyGram

Thank you for your reply. I will post a further question if necessary after the document is updated.

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Any update?
It seems no update in the document.

MaterialX read support is supported in 2022.3.x Any USD that has loads a .mtlx document or has assigned the standard Mtlx nodes will then compile the material to MDL for use in the RTX and Iray Accurate renderers.

Hi, @fpliu

Thank you for letting me know. I will try it.