Why can’t we import the.mtlx material file correctly after opening the omni.mtlx plugin function in usd Composer.
Here is mtlx Material library:
bxdf_mtlx_library.zip (43.3 KB)
Possibly I’m missing something.
If anyone has a way to import.mtlx material files, Please let me know 🙂
I think you are trying to DIRECTLY import a material X library assembly into usd composer. No, this will not work this way. We support material X but only through a USD Schema and bindings. You would have to go to your DCC modeling tool of choice like Maya or 3dsmax and apply a Material X shader there and export it out as a usd file. Then, if the usd file is well formatted with retaining its material x bindings, it should work fine in USD Composer.
But no, there is not a direct “import material x library file” function in usd composer.
It is suggested that I go to the software of 3dsmax or Maya, import MaterialX directly, and then export it as usd file. In this way, I can support the import into USD Composer by converting the material format in one step.
Is that how it works?
Thanks for the additional information.
Well yes and no. It seems like you are just trying to get the material ONLY into USD Composer. We do not import material libraries in this way unless you have them in “mdl” format. Omniverse naturally works with our own shader format which is MDL (.mdl)
I think I need to understand your workflow and what you are trying to achieve. Is there a reason you have to use MaterialX over other shader types? If you want to use these exact materials, find a way to import them into a CAD or DCC application that natively supports material X, then attach them to some test geometry, and export the whole scene to a usd file, with included textures. It does not have to be materialX. It can be OmniPBR for example.
Where did this materialX library come from? Is it custom? Did you make it yourself? What software did you use?
I saw the introduction on the MaterialX website:
So I tried to import MaterialX into USD Composer.
The following URL provides a large number of MaterialX materials:
So, as you said, MaterialX materials need to be converted into usd format through other DCC applications before they can be correctly imported into USD Composer for use.
Thanks for the additional information.
Ok, I understand. Well as I said, if you are just trying to get a good material library into USD Composer, we have hundreds of really high-quality materials all ready to go in our material library panel. Check them out