vMaterial2.4 Material shader format can be converted to Usd shader mdl material?

Mentioned in this article:Universal Material Mapper — Omniverse Connect
“UMM2 in Blender can be used for exporting Blender materials to UsdShade MDL or for importing UsdShade MDL materials into Blender.”
I have two questions:

  1. Does UMM 2.0 support importing UsdShade MDL materials into Blender and how to implement the material conversion to Blender shader for use?
  2. If import is supported UsdShade MDL materials into Blender,The Material Graph shows a diagram of vMaterial mdl material file. When exported to usd format and then imported into Blender, the result is an error:“UMM2: cannot convert material: /Environment/Looks/Wood_Tiles_Pine_Cubes“.This makes me very confused, which step is wrong!
    Looking forward to your reply!

Moving this to the Omniverse category for better visibility.

Let me see if I can a mdl and Blender expert to help you. I am not familiar with this.

Sorry for the delay. I am having a mdl expert reply to this thread as well.

Hi @Aidaken-hdc,

UMM2 does support importing MDL materials into Blender, however UMM2 is just a material mapping solution, so it can only map from known MDLs to known Blender shaders. The problem you’re seeing is that the MDL at “/Environment/Looks/Wood_Tiles_Pine_Cubes” is not a known material that UMM2 recgonises how to convert. This looks like a custom MDL?

In its current version shipped with Blender UMM2 cannot easily be extended to support custom materials. But in general its not a great solution if you want interop between Omniverse and Blender, especially if you’re wanting to go back and forth between Blender and Omniverse.

A better workflow would be to use MaterialX to define your materials since both Omniverse and Blender support MaterialX so no conversion is required change between applications.