I am getting an error while installing the IMX477 camera driver on the jetson orin nano

I am using version 36.3 of Jetson Orin Nano developer kit. I am following these steps while installing IMX 477 camera.
I am encountering the error in the attachment. I would be very happy if you could help me.

Did you confirm the driver is for JP6?

Yes it is JP6.

I mean the sensor driver.
Doesn’t looks like Arducam support JP6.


The table tells us that it supports jetpack 6.

It even recommends 36.3 in the troubleshooting section.

That’s tell default image support IMX477 but install Arducam’s driver.
You can try enable IMX477 by jetson-io if the HW is compatible with PI HQ camera (IMX477).

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