I cannot use the time sample editor to make animated texture

Hello, I am trying to follow this tipo from Markom3D:

When I do it, I do not see animated texture:

I do excactly as Marko does, and when I asked him to help me on this, he said he recreated my scene but also pressed Load and Save at the very end and he got the texture seq playing. I alsao do this at my video above, but no results.

Please help me to make the animated img seq texture.
Here are the files for you to download and show me the way:


Pekka Varis

I think the issue is that it needs to be %04d, and you put in %40d. the %04d is how many decimals are in the value. 04 is 9999 max, whilst 40 is whatever that huge number is, so it cannot locate the files.

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Thanks Marko!!
Yes it was my typo. So %04d is must be.

Now I have a new issue, this question to OV devs:

I have a lot of flashing in realtime RTX viewport when I scrubble the timeline, see here:

How can I solve this? the img seq I have is only 1000 x 562 pix to avoid these kinda issues. Can I make the flashing colour something else, the bright cyan hurts my eye :P


Another question also coming in!

When I render with RTX realtime engine, I get low resolution img seq:

You can clearly see how the img seq cannot “catch up” with the fast rendering speed of RTX Realtime. How can I solve this?


I tried to solve this by making the img seq 3000 pix wide, and rendering in RTX realtime in 4K resolution with motion blur with max samples.

It kinda worked but not in useable way. Img Seq “flickers” to low res version very often, take a look:

The actual scene with these settings look ok ( if that cyan, loading image delay is forgotten ):


And finally, path traced render & the actual video source for the img seq:

On left we have the path traced render and on right side is video source for the img seq ( composition done in Premiere Pro )

So both render engines are failing to render the img seq in its orginal full resolution, do you know why?


I got it rendered out OK with 4K Path Traced -render:

But I need to do this with realtime. Please can you give me the settings to RENDER the img seq clean with RTX realtime?

As you can see from the above testings it uses that blurry placeholder temp image very often on those RTX realtime renders.
This is very important feature to me.


If you look at your syntax you are not quite correct. First of all I do not like your image sequence filename structure. You could change that to “anvi_001.png”. You have a leading “01” with no space after the name and you have a LOT of trailing "0"s.

However, with this filename, you can see that you are not generating the EXACT name. You need “anvi010000.png” and you have created “anvi011.png”. It is way off.
Your first frame is supposed to be “0”, since your filename is “anvi010000.png” and you need “4” leading zeros if you take your filename as starting from “anvi01 + 0000”.

The correct syntax would be “anvi01%d.png”, with 4 leading zeros.

But again, a better, cleaner filename structure would be good. Try just “anvi_001.png”, “anvi_002.png”, “anvi_003.png”. Then the syntax is way easier. “anvi_%d” with 3 leading zeros.

Secondly, you have to cache up all of those images before they play through nicely. Then you have to make sure you are not using as much texture compression


I’m struggling to find this option.

Im so frustrated and im so close to getting this to work

Im even seeing if theres an option to render and mask the animated texture sections only in iclone but i dont think theres such an option

My whole project has been halted for 1 month now as i just want to animate a simple texture with 150 frames.

Heres my issue if anyone can see where im going wrong it would be much appeciated thanks

Damian, I will learn tomorrow Monday the solution Richard posted here at 1st August.

Then I can make a new video, step by step showing how its done. If even that does not help you, I can check your scene…

I also found this extension, but I have no idea how to use it. I asked help from Moment Factory.

Richard, thank you very much - it worked!

For me the solution was to deactivate the “Texture Streaming” and that is very logical after all. When I work in realtime RTX, move the cameras and build the scene I keep this ON all the time. Then when time calls for render in RTX Realtime I just disable this option, re-load the scene and renders come out perfectly OK without that flickering issue I pasted above posts.

Here is the new RTX realtime render:

Richard, I kept the naming method from Markos video, even thougt it might be a little off the golden standars, since this way I can have very long img seq like 9999 frame :)

@damian.winter3d Here is an example usd scene so you can test this, its made by the instrucion video from Markom3D.

I have added only 24 images to the img_seq folder, but the actual time sample editor is made all the way to 1212 frames on this scene:

You can use bulk rename utility to rename your imq seq to macth this naming. I hope you can make it from here!

Then the idea of that realtime rtx texture streaming ON or OFF is just like I already expolained above. ON for work and OFF for render. Naturallyyou can also render in Path Traced as you can see from the above posts here, I believe this setting does not effect but idea is OFF for renders.

Here I play with the shared scene:

New challenge for tomorrow Monday!

I add moving img seqs to all these different screens, 5 playing at same time. Exciting to see how it goes…

I can now work with multiple ( at least 2 ) img seqs.
Great! But how can I control timing? I need to start some of the img seq videos later, since my final movie is like 1.30 min long.

Here I show you my current issue:

I can drag the material into seq timeline on the original USD where I have created this img seq material.

But when I combine them to new empty scene, this way of controlling does not work anymore… What would be the solution? Maybe you know @Richard3D ?


In your video, you are making the problem very complicated. It is better to plan out your animated textures, and have everything start at frame 0 so that the animation and the textures are all synced together.

This problem is easier to solve with some old-school math. You’re going to have to figure out which frame you want the animation to start and then take the first frame and copy it for every frame before that. In other words, if your animation is 1000 frames long but you only need the animated texture to start moving at frame 500, take the first frame and make 500 frames before that. That way the animation plays at the same time as the texture starts, but it plays 500 “static” frames and then you only see it moving, animating at the time you need, from 500 to 1000. Does that make sense?

This way all textures start playing at frame 0 with the main timeline, but you only see them change when you want them to.

Thanks! Back to good old common sense. The only downside in your method is, that it sucks way too much gpu power, Since the poor Omniverse does not know its playing just an still frame, it thinks its playing video file so it updates every frame and so on. As I told you, I have many video textures in my scene and this method is not the best.

I am surprised I hear it from you, very technical person. My humble opinion is that I am not making the problem complicated, I am just trying to optimise my scene. Everybody understand that developing a single value for the start frame for img seq to play is not overcomplicated.

But its a solution anyways so thank you once again from your help with my strange requests. I promise these will be a lot more coming.

I made the first feature request on this new forum: