Render Artifacts with Path tracer (PT)


we have been looking at using Omniverse to create final renders.
Unfortunately we have encountered a few issues to try and get the best quality results (that match or exceed the competition).

The iRay renderer had good results, but the memory issues (huge spikes and crash) make it almost impossible to use in production with larger scenes. And recently finding out it is deprecated, make it a no go.

The PT is more stable, but the results don’t look as good, despite bumping up all render settings. But worse of all, there are these artifacts that appear (see images).

So the main questions I have are…

  1. Is iRay going to lose all support and development going forward? (memory issues not resolved)
  2. How to fix this artifact in the images?
  3. Will the quality of the PT be improved going forward so it can match iRay?

Thank you

@thiagocrawford ,

Just a regular user of omniverse and I did encounter this issue before too. I used 3dsmax with omniverse and normally when this occur at least in my encounter, its due to the model having weird triangulations (long thin triangles or not enough subdivision). I would normally do a even triangulation of the model before exporting to omniverse to prevent such artifacts when rendering in PT/RT.

I don’t know what modeling tool you use for your models in your scene but you can try if it helps.

Hi and thanks for posting. A couple of points I want to make:

  1. I appreciate you trying out Omniverse and RTX. We know our RTX renderer has some limatitations, as all the renderers do. But we also know that ours is by far the fastest, with very exceptional results, giving the very short render time. Especially with RTX Realtime. To be honest, you really should try using that more that Path Tracing. We are build for speed. We have a brand new trial out of RT + PT we call RT2.0 or RTPT. You can enable this trial in the latest version of Kit App Template in 106.5. Available on our GitHub page. We are not sure which version you are using, but if you are using the one from Launcher it is already pretty old. That would be 2023.2.5.
    You should update to kit 106.5 asap. GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template: Omniverse Kit App Template

  2. This perfect pattern is pretty odd. It is too perfect be random. Something is going on, either with your textures or your geometry. As suggested, I would look into this and start off with some basic tests. It may be a normals issue, or double geometry, etc. Does it do this when in REALTIME mode? Please try that.

  3. The only other thing I can think of is that it is some bug with the MGPU. Multi-GPU. Please try disabling one card in the Device Manager and try again. Or you can just disable MGPU directly in the RTX Rendering Settings. Test that and see if only using ONE card, makes a difference.

  4. Finally, it could also be a slight driver bug. Please make sure you are ONLY using the recommended drivers we require. Technical Requirements — Omniverse USD Composer

@DavidDPD thank you for your input, at glance the geometry seems fine, and surely not every part of the scene has long triangles, but will see if I find anything around that, as it does come from 3ds Max.


  1. We are trying the new version as you recommended, it does feel more streamlined and stable. The issue however still exists in Pathtracer.
  2. Geometry seems fine, and it does vanish as the camera gets rotated a bit / moved, so its not continuously present.
  3. I tried disabling MGPU, but didn’t make a difference.
  4. Because of other rendering software we use, it can be tricky to only stick to the driver version recommended. So I haven’t tested this yet.

Thank you for your help, hope this info is useful, well provide more feed back as I go.

On another note, quick question regarding asset paths…
We have scenes that use a mapped letter (S:\path\to\asset.jpg) and those that use an IP (\\path\to\asset).

The mapped letter seems to work fine, the IP based path not, do you know if there is any plan to support IP paths like that or should I recommend everyone use drive letters only?

Thank you

One more thing to try. Can you put RTX in “White Mode” by going to the top left corner menu in the RTX Viewport and finding it at the bottom. That will run RTX without textures, just in case it is something strange. Then also change the lighting with the use of the Light Rigs, which is that top right menu where it says “Stage Lights”. Try different lighting. I want to try to rule out textures and lighting. But if it is just path tracing then it must be a gpu thing. Could you maybe send me one of your test scenes in a DM for me to try here?

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