I have one simple question here. Is that possible to configure the GPIO using python?

I would like enable the PWM and 2GPIO pins out controlling the motor. Is that possible with GPIO configuration without pinmux spreadsheet change. Because I have tried a lot it is working sometime and most of the time not. The GPIO pins are not working as expected.

I am using the Jetson Orin Nano with jetpack 6.0
I have no possibility to update the pinmux spreadsheet since i do not have a windows. Could someone just me how to fix this issue.

Hi aravintheng,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin Nano?

You should use pinmux spreadsheet to configure the pins you want to use.
You can also modify the pinmux/gpio dtsi manually but you should be familiar with each attributes inside in case you configure something invalid.
pinmux configurations are necessary to use the pins as GPIO.

Please note that there’s a known issue in both JP6.0 and JP6.1 currently. (which may cause GPIO control failed)
You can refer to 40hdr - SPI1 gpio padctl register bit[10] effect by gpiod tools in JP6 - #20 by KevinFFF for the patch.

Thanks for the information, Kevin! I appreciate the clarification. Could you also help me with the procedure on how to flash this rebuild patch onto the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano? Specifically, I would like to understand the steps required to rebuild the kernel with the patch and flash it to the device. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Please refer to the instruction in Kernel Customization — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation to clone and build kernel image/dtb.
You can just perform the normal flash command to reflash your board to apply the change.

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