i want to use nvml with python , on wsl ubuntu and im trying to use nvidia-smi.
but the problem is after i installed nvidia-driver , still im getting this error.
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.
and i have problem with wsl.exe --update .
the error is , Checking for updates…
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
Hello @real_asgari and welcom to the NVIDIA developer forums.
Please make sure you have read the instructions for CUDA and WSL. Make special note of sections 6 to 8 which might already help you find out if you can run NVML at all on your system.
One typical pitfall is to install the NVIDIA driver a second time inside the virtual execution environment running on WSL. You MUST NOT do that. CUDA on WSL uses the standard Windows driver. This is also stated in the above documentation.
If wsl.exe --update does not work I recommend uninstalling and reinstalling WSL and following the instructions from Microsoft in detail. Try the update command before doing any further software installation in your chosen Linux distribution.
I hope this helps!