I need to activate sdcard slot with xavier nx emmc module(lpddr16GB)


I’m using jetpack 4.6.1(L4T32.7.1).
I need to activate sdcard slot with xavier nx emmc module(lpddr16GB).

Can you tell me how to activate sdcard slot?
board schematic

Thank you.

I guess you already followed lots of thread. Please follow those posts first.

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I have followed those posts.
and I find

The jetson nano bring up guide guides you to create and apply dtb after modifying the dtsi file as follows.

As follows, there is no content to apply dtb in the jetson xavier nx bring up guide, so we ask how to do it.

Thank you.

sudo ./flash.sh -r -k kernel-dtb your_board_config mmcblk0p1.

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I downloaded the latest L4T BSP for the xavier nx 16GB model and tried to flash it after unzipping the sample root file system, but the following error occurred.

Jetpack 4.6.1

Can you please confirm?

Thank you.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared? Thanks