Image-based OTA package generation failing

Hi, all. I’m currently trying to generate an OTA update image to upgrade a system running 35.2.1 to 35.3.1. I’m using a freshly-generated sample filesystem for each of them, and I’ve followed along with the instructions here. The payload generation completes with the following errors:

t19x payload generation complete with 4 failure(s)

SUCCESS: cleaned up BUP tmp files prior to payload creation
FAILURE: no payload made for config "boardid=2888;fab=400;boardsku=0001;boardrev=D.0;fuselevel_s=1;chiprev=2;board=jetson-agx-xavier-devkit;rootdev=mmcblk0p1;signed_img_dir=images-R35-ToT"
FAILURE: no payload made for config "boardid=2888;fab=400;boardsku=0001;boardrev=E.0;fuselevel_s=1;chiprev=2;board=jetson-agx-xavier-devkit;rootdev=mmcblk0p1;signed_img_dir=images-R35-ToT"
FAILURE: no payload made for config "boardid=2888;fab=400;boardsku=0004;boardrev=;fuselevel_s=1;chiprev=2;board=jetson-agx-xavier-devkit;rootdev=mmcblk0p1;signed_img_dir=images-R35-ToT"
FAILURE: no payload made for config "boardid=2888;fab=402;boardsku=0005;boardrev=;fuselevel_s=1;chiprev=2;board=jetson-agx-xavier-devkit;rootdev=mmcblk0p1;signed_img_dir=images-R35-ToT"
SUCCESS: cleaned up BUP tmp files after payload creation
Failed to run /home/protectedusername/Projects/protected-project-name/jetson-ota/prep/35.3.1/Linux_for_Tegra/ -f /home/protectedusername/Projects/protected-project-name/jetson-ota/prep/35.3.1/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ota_board_specs.conf -e jetson_agx_xavier_devkit_ota_emmc_r35_spec -b jetson-agx-xavier-devkit t19x

I’ve removed my username and project name, just for privacy purposes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The problem was that the install scripts call python, rather than python3, so I installed python-is-python3, in order to create a symlink from the python command to python3. Alternatively, one could edit the scripts directly.

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