Image Based OTA Support on ORIN-AGX


I noticed while testing the Image Based OTA method from 35.3.1 → 35.4.1 that the EMMC update will only work when downgrading the EMMC_CFG .xml to 35.3.1 because of the extra UDA partition. This may be minor as the UDA partition seems optional.

I also noticed that NVME updating will fail when installing a package build without specifying an external device and found that in the Developer Guide Nvidia only supports that for the jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc config.

I’m just checking before moving forward whether NVMe updates have been tested/verified by Nvidia on Orin-AGX from 35.3.1-35.4.1. Are you planning on implementing this in the future?

The ethernet ports also appear to be down on the orin-agx when in the recovery OS, has the ORIN-AGX been verified for networking in the recovery OS?



Sorry for the late response.
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?

Hi Kayccc,

This isn’t an issue anymore,

We received support from a Nvidia contact and are waiting for a future release of Jetpack 5 before we continue our OTA testing.



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