I am looking to use IMX214 camera on jetson nano platform. So ,as per “Getting started guide” , i have downloaded latest JETPACK-4.4 & L4T 32.4.2 for the kernel sources. I found IMX214 driver inside kernel/nvidia/drivers/media/i2c/imx214.c , but all its supporting header files are missing. For e.g: IMX214.h , imx214_mode_tbls.h etc. So May i know whether IMX214 supported on Jetson Nano or TX1 ?
@ShaneCCC @JerryChang
Looks like this driver was deprecated I can’t find them from r28/r32 branch.
I think you can get the mode table from the vendor to implement a new driver again.
Hi ShaneCCC,
Thanks for the information.
My only concern is whether IMX214 camera will be supported on Jetson Nano or not, since its not listed in “https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-partner-supported-cameras” for jetson nano.
@ShaneCCC @JerryChang
This sensor have been verify by some customers years ago with the chip the same with Nano.
I think it’s no problem for Nano too.