I am having Jetson Nano 2GB, and two CSI IMX219 cameras . Both were working fine. I have used both the cameras last night but in morning, one of the camera is not working. Firstly, jetson nano 2GB was detecting the camera but when I reboot it, it is no more even detecting the camera. I have checked that there is no physical hardware damage.
please tell me how to solve this issue and make my camera run.
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Please check the kernel message to check if any i2c failed.
dmesg | grep -i imx219
After running the Above command it is showing no output, no error. It is just simply executing the command.
Please tell me the proper steps to resolve this as soon as possible. I will be very thankful to you.
At least have some message like below. I only connect one sensor so you can see “imx219 8-0010” failed.
Try to reboot and check the message again.
nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ dmesg | grep -i imx219
[ 1.312538] imx219 7-0010: tegracam sensor driver:imx219_v2.0.6
[ 1.337433] imx219 8-0010: tegracam sensor driver:imx219_v2.0.6
[ 1.360825] imx219 8-0010: imx219_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[ 1.360964] imx219 8-0010: board setup failed
[ 1.361051] imx219: probe of 8-0010 failed with error -121
[ 1.519621] vi 54080000.vi: subdev imx219 7-0010 bound
Looks like i2c communicate failed, it could be cable or HW problem.
Could you switch them to check the log.
I am also having the Jetson Xavier nx too and two CSI cameras. One of my camera is not working on Jetson Xavier nx but working on Jetson Nano 2Gb till yesterday but now its not working on both.
And there is no hardware issue I have checked through Multimeter. So need to worry about hardware, as hardware is fine.
So please tell me how to make it work.
The output shown above is of Jetson Xavier nx.
You need to check why i2c failed.
And, How we gonna check that.
I would suggest consult with vendor if don’t know how to check the HW.