I am trying to install jetpack3.1 on ubuntu 14.04.05.
However, the CUDA Toolkit installation fails.
I bought this product because of CUDA.
Install CUDA Toolkit 8.0.84 failed.
Return Code: 1
Error installing cuda-toolkit-8-0 to host, please check /home/techinmotion/Downloads/_installer/64_TX2/cuda_host_tx2.log for more details
You may attach the file:cuda_host_tx2.log “please check /home/techinmotion/Downloads/_installer/64_TX2/cuda_host_tx2.log for more details”
What is the return of:
If your host doesn’t have a NVIDIA GPU, you can skip installing CUDA on host in JetPack.
You would just install CUDA on Jetson in JetPack Post-install.