Install SDK MANAGER.step 3

My installation becomes so slow when each file is nearly finished.And finally the installing pauses at 99.99%,and download is completed successfully.

I see no error in terminal window.

like this:

Component Name: All
Message Type: All

Filter text

15:44:40 INFO : null
15:44:49 INFO : GNU Toolchains : download ‘GNU Toolchains’ success
15:44:49 INFO : DRIVE Foundation Packages : download ‘DRIVE Foundation Packages’ success
15:44:49 INFO : DRIVE Foundation OSS Packages : download ‘DRIVE Foundation OSS Packages’ success
15:44:49 INFO : GNU Toolchains : install ‘GNU Toolchains’ success
15:44:49 INFO : DRIVE Foundation Packages : install ‘DRIVE Foundation Packages’ success
15:44:49 INFO : DRIVE Foundation OSS Packages : install ‘DRIVE Foundation OSS Packages’ success
15:44:50 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:44:50 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:44:59 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:01 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:38 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:38 INFO : OSS and NV packages : download ‘OSS and NV packages’ success
15:45:38 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Start to install ‘OSS and NV packages’
15:45:38 DEBUG : OSS and NV packages : running command < cd ‘/home/wuhaoran11/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/’ ; /home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -a=‘install’ -b=‘NV_DRIVE_LINUX_BUNDLE’ -c=‘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’ -i=‘NV_OSS_AND_NV_PACKAGES_SDK_COMP’ -v=‘’ -l=‘/home/wuhaoran11/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/’ -L=‘/home/wuhaoran11/.nvsdkm/logs/DRIVE/Linux/’ -p=‘3556’ -u=‘/home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager-’ -t=‘PX2_AUTOCHAUFFEUR’ -x=‘SDK’ -e=‘/home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/’ >
15:45:38 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Using LegacyInstaller to install NV_OSS_AND_NV_PACKAGES_SDK_COMP
15:45:38 INFO : DPX Packages : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:38 INFO : DPX Packages : download ‘DPX Packages’ success
15:45:38 INFO : Aurix Updater : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:38 INFO : Aurix Updater : download ‘Aurix Updater’ success
15:45:39 INFO : OSS and NV packages : installing Drive Minimal packages
15:45:40 INFO : OSS and NV packages : root 3730 0.0 0.0 264084 2772 ? Ssl 15:44 0:00 /home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -installer=3556 -d=/home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager-
15:45:40 INFO : OSS and NV packages : exec_command: /home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -c=“cd /home/wuhaoran11/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/ && sudo apt-add-repository "Index of /ubuntu universe";apt-get update” -d=/home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -l=/home/wuhaoran11/.nvsdkm/logs/DRIVE/Linux/
15:45:48 INFO : CUDA on Target : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:48 INFO : CUDA on Target : download ‘CUDA on Target’ success
15:45:51 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Ign:1 cdrom://Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS Xenial Xerus - Release amd64 (20180731) xenial InRelease
15:45:51 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Hit:2 cdrom://Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS Xenial Xerus - Release amd64 (20180731) xenial Release
15:45:51 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Hit:3 xenial InRelease
15:45:52 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Get:4 Index of /ubuntu xenial-security InRelease [107 kB]
15:45:52 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Hit:5 Index of /ubuntu xenial InRelease
15:45:52 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Hit:6 Index of /ubuntu xenial InRelease
15:45:52 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Get:7 Index of /ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease [109 kB]
15:45:52 INFO : TensorRT (with cuDNN 7.1) on Target : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:52 INFO : TensorRT (with cuDNN 7.1) on Target : download ‘TensorRT (with cuDNN 7.1) on Target’ success
15:45:52 INFO : DPX Patch : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:45:52 INFO : DPX Patch : download ‘DPX Patch’ success
15:45:53 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Get:9 Index of /ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease [107 kB]
15:45:55 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Fetched 323 kB in 2s (119 kB/s)
15:46:01 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Reading package lists…
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : 16.04
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32z1’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32ncurses5’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32stdc++6’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘tftp’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘isc-dhcp-server’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘nfs-kernel-server’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘gcc-multilib’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : 4
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Installing packages in background: dpkg-dev lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 libbz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6 tftp isc-dhcp-server nfs-kernel-server minicom resolvconf gcc-multilib
15:46:03 INFO : OSS and NV packages : root 3730 0.1 0.0 264084 2772 ? Ssl 15:44 0:00 /home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -installer=3556 -d=/home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager-
15:46:03 INFO : OSS and NV packages : exec_command: /home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -c="cd /home/wuhaoran11/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE/Linux/ && apt-get install -y --force-yes dpkg-dev lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 libbz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6 tftp isc-dhcp-server nfs-kernel-server minicom resolvconf gcc-multilib " -d=/home/wuhaoran11/sdkmanager- -l=/home/wuhaoran11/.nvsdkm/logs/DRIVE/Linux/
15:46:03 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Reading package lists…
15:46:03 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Building dependency tree…
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Reading state information…
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libbz2-1.0 is already the newest version (1.0.6-8).
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : resolvconf is already the newest version (1.78ubuntu6).
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : minicom is already the newest version (2.7-1+deb8u1build0.16.04.1).
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : The following additional packages will be installed:
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : gcc-5-multilib keyutils lib32asan2 lib32atomic1 lib32cilkrts5 lib32gcc-5-dev
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : lib32gcc1 lib32gomp1 lib32itm1 lib32mpx0 lib32quadmath0 lib32tinfo5
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : lib32ubsan0 libc6-dev-i386 libc6-dev-x32 libc6-i386 libc6-x32 libdpkg-perl
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libirs-export141 libisccfg-export140 libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 libx32asan2
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libx32atomic1 libx32cilkrts5 libx32gcc-5-dev libx32gcc1 libx32gomp1
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libx32itm1 libx32quadmath0 libx32stdc++6 libx32ubsan0 nfs-common rpcbind
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : Suggested packages:
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : debian-keyring isc-dhcp-server-ldap policycoreutils open-iscsi watchdog
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : The following NEW packages will be installed:
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : gcc-5-multilib gcc-multilib isc-dhcp-server keyutils lib32asan2 lib32atomic1
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : lib32cilkrts5 lib32gcc-5-dev lib32gcc1 lib32gomp1 lib32itm1 lib32mpx0
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : lib32ncurses5 lib32quadmath0 lib32stdc++6 lib32tinfo5 lib32ubsan0 lib32z1
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libc6-dev-i386 libc6-dev-x32 libc6-i386 libc6-x32 libirs-export141
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libisccfg-export140 libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 libx32asan2 libx32atomic1
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libx32cilkrts5 libx32gcc-5-dev libx32gcc1 libx32gomp1 libx32itm1
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : libx32quadmath0 libx32stdc++6 libx32ubsan0 nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : rpcbind tftp
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : The following packages will be upgraded:
15:46:04 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-dev libdpkg-perl
15:46:45 INFO : DriveWorks on Target : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:46:45 INFO : DriveWorks on Target : download ‘DriveWorks on Target’ success
15:46:45 INFO : P2379 specific package : Found file /home/wuhaoran11/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ with correct checksum, skip downloading.
15:46:45 INFO : P2379 specific package : download ‘P2379 specific package’ success

Dear wuhr15,

I’m not sure what’s wrong with the contents you uploaded.
Could you please update your issue on this topic? Thanks.

Hi wuhr15,

Have you clarified the cause and resolved the problem?
Os this is not an issue now? Please share the status to move this issue forward.


Sorry for not replying your answers for a long time.I have solved the problem by installing packages mentioned in the terminal window.

The packages are these:
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32z1’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32ncurses5’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘lib32stdc++6’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘tftp’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘isc-dhcp-server’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘nfs-kernel-server’ is not installed and no information is available
15:46:02 INFO : OSS and NV packages : dpkg-query: package ‘gcc-multilib’ is not installed and no information is available

When i installed these and reinstalled SDKmanager, it performed well.