Installation of Modules

Hello, Im very new to Jetson platform. I’m currently making a research for industrial usage of Jetson modules. I couldn’t find any documents about installation about modules. All the resources on the internet is for devkits. I have several questions

1)What is inside the modules package?
2)How we connect camera or other components to it?
3)How we install linux and run our computer vision code on it? On the Jetson FAQ it says modules haven’t got any pre-installed software.

Thank you

For designing your custom carrier board, please refer to

The developer kit is the reference. We also have partners producing custom boards, you may also check

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Hello @gorki,

We have writing regular blogpost about Nvidia Jetson family. You can find about installation, update, camera and algoritm posts on our website. You can find it below. If you have any question, you can find the contact information.
