Where can I find some Jetson NX develop kit hardware info?

I want to do some work with nx develop kit, and need some hardware info, including wifi module cetification and manufacturer info and insulation certification info of the carrier board. I didn’t find the info from the docs, e.g. jetson nx carrier board specification and user guide. Could you give the info or tell where to find them? Thanks!

You can find lots of materials for Jetson Xavier NX DevKit here:

Either carrier board spec or user guide as well.

Use ‘Jetson Xavier NX’ as a search filter.

I have searched materuals from jetson download center, but didn’t find useful info. Could you give some specific docs?

Please find those docs from Jetson Download Center | NVIDIA Developer

BOM: https://developer.nvidia.com/jetson-xavier-nx-developer-kit-carrier-board-bom-p3509-a01

compliance: https://developer.nvidia.com/jetson-xavier-nx-developer-kit-regulatory-and-compliance-documents-p3518

carrier board spec: https://developer.nvidia.com/jetson-xavier-nx-developer-kit-carrier-board-specification-p3509-a01

user guide: https://developer.nvidia.com/jetson-xavier-nx-developer-kit-user-guide

supported componets: https://developer.nvidia.com/jetson-xavier-nx-supported-component-list

I hope you may find what you want.