Installed nvidia-l4t-bootloader package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

I’m using TX2 with Jatpack 4.4, L4T 32.4.2, I tried to install the pytorch following the tutorial here PyTorch for Jetson, however, I always met this error when I was using the command “sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev”.

. Could you please help me with this error? Since I have also installed lots of other packages and files, is there a way to solve this problem without re-flashing my TX2?
Thanks a lot!


Based on the log, the nvidia-l4t-bootloader is for 32.4.3 rather than 32.4.2.

Please noticed that the pyTorch 1.6.0 listed in PyTorch for Jetson is for L4t 32.4.3.
If you are using r32.4.2, please use JetPack 4.4 product release (GA) and try it again.


Hi, thanks a lot fotr your reply! I am actually downloading pytorch 1.4 which is for 32.4.2 rather than pytorch 1.6, to be specific, I use the command line in the instruction guide, which I attached below
wget -O torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev
pip install future torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl

However, I’m still getting that error like shown in the screenshot, is there anything wrong I did with the command line?
Thanks a lot!


Sorry for the late update.

The error is not caused by the pytorch installation.
It occurs when apt sever want to re-try the not fully installed package (nvidia-l4t-bootloader).
Would you mind to remove the installation job and try it again?

$ apt-get --force-yes remove <pkgname>

If the issue goes on, it’s recommended to reflash the environment directly.