Is it possible to subscribe to a point cloud and visualize it using the ROS 2 Generic subscriber?

I am currently working on visualizing the position and point cloud extracted from a visual SLAM in Isaac Sim in real-time, with a given robot model. The SLAM runs on a separate machine and sends messages via two topics (posestamped | pointcloud2). I know this is a visualization task, but I chose Isaac Sim because I plan to further develop the project later. My question is whether it is possible to achieve this using the ROS 2 Generic subscriber, so that after starting the simulation, I can somehow visualize the elements of the point cloud. Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @Jackthe

Welcome to the Isaac ROS forum

Which topic are you discussing? Are you referring to posestamped?
If true you can visualize from rviz2

You can also use foxglove

Hi Raffaello!

I managed the posestamped part. I want to visualize the PointCloud2 type message in Isaac sim. Not in Rviz not in foxglove (which is pretty good). And in real time. How can i do it? Can i doit with Isaac Debug Draw Point Cloud? And if i can then how to start it?

Thanks in advance!