Is it possible to use the AGX Orin PCI slot to connect a full-blown GPU?

Of course I would need to provide external power for the GPU, but I was wondering if it is even possible to use the PCI slot to connect an external GPU to the Orin for potentially unlimited AI power.

they promised it on AGX Xavier but never delivered on that. I don’t recommend you to keep your hopes up.

although, Chinese are cloned the clara kit, NVIDIA 品立科技Y-C8载板\Y-C9开发板 agx xavier orin自研组装嵌入式套件 Y-C8-DEV(AGX Xavier 32G)【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东 you can see it in the page and there is a datasheet below;
62442d8dd2aec.pdf (795.0 KB)

The support is only with Clara.
Clara includes a DGPU connected to Xavier now or Orin later PCIE slot.

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