First of all, thank you for such a project.
Let’s get to the point.
My system:
- Jetson Orin NX 16Gb and AverMedia D131 Carrier board.
- Jetpack 5.1.1 (L4T 35.3.1) with MAXN NV Power and running Jetson Clocks.
- DP 3.1 Release
AprilTags with a static camera pose:
SW Flow:
Main parameters:
I recorded a few bag files and visualized measurements, one of them:
Here you can see how data publishing stably for 30 seconds at a frequency of about 10Hz, then you can observe a ~7-second pause, which is observed only in the topic of the Isaac Apriltag node. From time to time, freeze data can be more/less frequent and longer/shorter. On what it depends, I can not understand.
I also noticed that at this moment the consumed voltage drops. This is clearly related to the slowing down of the node, but it is difficult to say whether this is the cause of the hang or the consequence. You can see this behavior starting from the 5th second in the video below:
Even when I lowered the camera’s resolution to 1080p, I observed the same hangs. In addition, with the lower resolution, the tag orientation has too large deviations, which does not meet accuracy requirements.
So, in this regard, I have a question. Have you ever encountered a similar problem, and, in your opinion, what might be the problem that needs solving?
I appreciate your help!