Isaac ROS Perceptor Argus Camera error

I am using a Jetson Orin machine connected with a Hawk camera trying to follow the Perceptor tutorial. However, when I run the command ros2 launch nova_developer_kit_bringup The error shows:

I also completed the ESS depth tutorial without error using the same camera.
Can you please help me on this? Thank you!

Hi @JackyC

Welcome to the Isaac ROS forum.

To better assist you, can you reply the following questions below:

Dear Raffaello,

Thank you for your reply.

  1. I confirmed that the device meets the requirement with Jetpack 6.0
  2. I have installed the nova-orin-init
  3. I do have the output after using the argus_camera command

Best regards,

Thank you for your help.

I have sent your configuration to the engineers to gain a better understanding of how to assist you.

Is it possible also to share the content from /etc/nova/systeminfo.yaml ?

Thank you in advance,

Dear Raffaello,

I have solved this problem by updating the nova-orin-init to the newest version of 1.3.0 and customized a yaml file for one hawk camera.

Thank you for the help,


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