I want to create a new robot class, for the UR5e robot. Since the already implemented UR10 robot class is very similar to the UR5e, I copied this extension and started modifying everything for the UR5e.
When I now want to import the new robot class in a standalone python application (code below) I get the error: No module named ‘omni.isaac.universal_robots_UR5e’ (similar to this post: Isaac Sim cannot find robot class extension)
If I put my UR5e robot class in the UR10 extension and import it through that, everything works fine.
I can also activate the extension in the extensions manager (window → Extensions) and import it in the script editor. So the paths and .toml files should be correct.
It only seems to be problematic, when I launch Isaac sim from a standalone python script.
Do I have to activate new extensions somewhere before I want to use them with standalone python scripts?
Many thanks in advance!
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": False})
from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.core.objects import DynamicCuboid
from omni.isaac.universal_robots_UR5e import UR5e
#from omni.isaac.universal_robots import UR5e
import numpy as np
world = World()
robot = world.scene.add(UR5e(prim_path="/World/UR5e_robot", name="UR5e"))
for i in range(500):
world.step(render=True) # execute one physics step and one rendering step
simulation_app.close() # close Isaac Sim