Isaac-sim headless docker and Omniverse Streaming Client enterprise/workstation version

I have a remote isaac-sim docker container running in Vast ai, it works headless, works quite fine. I am trying to connect to Omniverse Streaming Client, all required ports are assigned but streaming does not work. I am using work station version of Omniverse, Do I need enterprise version for that? Nucleus is installed in localhost and running in my local machine. Nucleus cannot be installed in remote docker, hence I installed it only on my local machine. I am using workstation version of Omniverse in my local machine. Do I need enterprise license to communicate with remote docker? I am the only person using it. so far I know, workstation version can have 2 users. From that point of view, nucleus should be able to communicate with one other computer. Please let me know , can I stream with workstation license or do I need to upgrade?

Hi. Nucleus is not required when running the container. You do not need an enterprise version to use Streaming Client.

Please provide more info on how you run the container and if the ports on this page are open on the server. Logs will be helpful too.

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Thanks! Omniverse streaming client is working really well in AWS!

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