ISAAC SIM Omniverse - unable to control with joystick or built-in gamepad binding screen

Working on just adding a cube, a revolute joint, adding drive and then stiffness of 50 and then tried 1e12 (1000000000000), but when I press play, I get the following error:
DcSetDofVelocityTarget: Invalid or expired dof handle
In addition, what steps are necessary to choose the correct joystick that is connected. If I just run the sample/Kaya, there is no actual joystick selection.


I also have this problem, has this been solved?

For the DcSetDofVelocityTarget: Invalid or expired dof handle issue I would check to make sure that the path to the usd prim was correct and that it has the correct physics apis assigned to it to simulate when play is pressed

For the second issue: what happens if you do the following
Plug in joystick
start isaac sim
click on the “Gamepad Binding” tab
move the joystick around, do the sliders respond to any input on the joystick?

On ubuntu you can install the jstest-gtk package and confirm that the OS detected the joystick