Hi there!
I am so confused with Isaac sim’s pivot functionality. I firstly think it is used to change object’s default position to its body. So I want use it to offset franka’s pand_hand frame to position between two fingers. So I can track the gripper’s position using this offset frame(figure1 2). But I find the offset frame disapper when simulation starts. Pand_hand frame go back to this orginal position to pand_hand mesh. So I confirm this in a simple scene as figur3-4. Could someone tell me what’s the functionality of pivot and how can I put tracking position of end_effector at the position between two fingers?
By the way, I find in franka’s source code of follow_target_task. The author uses panda_rightfinger as end_effector prim, that means it track the position of panda_rightfinger in the task. I don’t know whether that’s reasonable,as the position is changing with panda_rightfinger. Or maybe I misunderstand it.
Thanks for helping me.