Issue with Audio2Face Unreal Plugin: API Key Error

After configuring everything in Unreal Engine, it was working well but now it doesn’t work anymore.
When I input the API key and try to test it in Unreal Engine, I get an error.

Q1: Is this issue unique to me?
Q2: Is everyone experiencing this issue?
Q3: Is this by any chance a test service and not the official service?

LogACERuntime: Connected to a2x service at
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 9] Started A2X session at
LogACERuntime: Warning: Failed to send audio samples to A2X: error communicating with ACE service
LogACERuntime: Warning: [A2X SID 9] Failed sending 71517 samples to A2X
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 9] End of samples


I’m experiencing this issue as well! I downloaded the Kairo sample project and the ACE plugin today from NVIDIA ACE - Get Started | NVIDIA Developer and set up everything according to NVIDIA ACE 2.1 Plugin — ACE documentation latest documentation (I only skipped the section “Animating a Character from a Sound Wave Audio Clip” as I have no idea which blueprint to use). But it didn’t work once

This is my output log:
LogACERuntime: sending A2X wav file [redacted]/audio_samples/Claire_neutral.wav
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 5] Started A2X session at
LogACERuntime: Warning: Failed to send audio samples to A2X: error communicating with ACE service
LogACERuntime: Warning: [A2X SID 5] Failed sending 202921 samples to A2X
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 5] End of samples

Hello and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums!

Sadly I am not able to help you right away, but I reached out internally to see if and how we can address this.


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I have the same issue

LogACERuntime: sending A2X asset SoundWave /Game/Audio/AudioCips/2_combined_clips/Male_Calm_and_Male_Angry_combined_16khz.Male_Calm_and_Male_Angry_combined_16khz
LogACERuntime: Connected to a2x service at
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 0] Started A2X session at
LogACERuntime: Warning: Failed to send audio samples to A2X: error communicating with ACE service
LogACERuntime: Warning: [A2X SID 0] Failed sending 163096 samples to A2X
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 0] End of samples

When I try to test on this page: NVIDIA NIM | audio2face

I got this Message:

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Quick update, the issue has been identified and is actively being worked on.

I don’t have an ETA for the fix though, I can only ask for your patience.


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Thanks for the quick replies, glad to hear that the issue has already been identified!

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I’m also experiencing this with Unreal. Just responding in case it gets me an email when it is resolved :)

Hello, Markus! Does it look likely the issue will be solved this week?

Welcome @jet4 and @brett46,

as far as I was informed the server issue should be resolved again. It would be good if someone in this thread could confirm.


I keep having the same issue today.

Thanks, I forward this, the API access should have been resolved by now.

It seems one of the reasons why you might see issues with connecting to NVCF is that you could have run out of usage credits for the Cloud service.

I am not detailed familiar with the credit usage of NVIDIA NIM | audio2face, but the number of free credits is limited.

You should see the available inference credits in your developer account for NIMs.

So if you could check that, that would be helpful.


Hey @MarkusHoHo

I have available credits in my account but am getting the same error as below.
LogACERuntime: Warning: Failed to send audio samples to A2X: error communicating with ACE service
LogACERuntime: Warning: [A2X SID 12] Failed sending 64365 samples to A2X


Hello @rohith.sherikar and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums.

Thanks for the confirmation, I’ll pass it on!

@rohith.sherikar I had the same issue as you and had to regenerate my API key

@jet4 @MarkusHoHo Its working for me, I have just deleted my current project and started from scratch to download project and plugin, Its working.

Thanks for your support.