I have the same following erros:
When I use the ACE Audio2Face Plugin in Unreal Engine 5.4 like this: https://youtu.be/j9s4oZajC8E
LogACERuntime: sending A2X asset SoundWave /Game/Audio/AudioCips/2_combined_clips/Male_Calm_and_Male_Angry_combined_16khz.Male_Calm_and_Male_Angry_combined_16khz
LogACERuntime: Connected to a2x service at https://grpc.nvcf.nvidia.com:443
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 0] Started A2X session at https://grpc.nvcf.nvidia.com:443
LogACERuntime: Warning: Failed to send audio samples to A2X: error communicating with ACE service
LogACERuntime: Warning: [A2X SID 0] Failed sending 163096 samples to A2X
LogACERuntime: [A2X SID 0] End of samples
When I try to test on this page: NVIDIA NIM | audio2face
I got this Message:
I have received the message “The service is busy” since yesterday.