Issues with upgrading Drive AGX Xavier dev kit from 5.1.12 to 5.1.15 (and beyond)

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu 18.04

I have some challenges with updating my DRIVE AGX Xavier developer kit using the SDK software.
Ideally I was looking to upgrade the kit all the way to 5.2.6 which is the latest but I seem to have a hard time upgrading the system even to 5.1.15. This version does not seem to be covered in DRIVE Downloads | NVIDIA Developer either?

Anyhow, the problem itself is that the software for the target does not show up as described in Install DRIVE OS with SDK Manager | NVIDIA Docs. It instead looks like the image below.

Do you know why this is? I have connected to the board using the debug USB2.0A channel that is on the board when it is running.

SW versions:
OS on host - Native Ubuntu 20.04
DRIVE AGX Xavier dev kit - Currently on 5.1.12
SDK version -

Both 5.1.12 and 5.1.15 are not released on the developer site so they are not supported through this forum.
Because you have access to the NVOnline site, you should have another support channel. Please create a bug to get support for the upgrade issue.

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