JAX on Jetson Nano



Before you do any compiling of Jax, It’s really important to have plenty of swap space, because the Jetson’s 4GB is not nearly enough. Even 5GB of swap space is not enough, because gcc got killed for out of memory. I’ve gone with 10GB. For this reason you will almost certainly have to be running your Jetson off a USB3.0 SSD rather than the SD-CARD (If you want to do this, JetsonHacks has a good tutorial and helper utilities: Jetson Nano - Boot from USB - JetsonHacks HOWEVER, do NOT take the final bit of advice to remove the SD-CARD. With the latest jetpack this causes SSD boot to fail. You have to keep the SD card in at the same time as the SSD is plugged into USB).

Unfortunately, the Jetson is natively configured to use 2 GB of ZRAM swap, which is almost useless (other than a mild amount of compression). You need to get rid of ZRAM:

sudo systemctl disable nvzramconfig

Probably best to reboot the Nano after this step, just in case (I did). Then use htop to check that you have no swap. Finally, create a 10GB swap file using these instructions:

linuxize.com – 28 Nov 18

How to Add Swap Space on Ubuntu 18.04

Swap is a space on a disk that is used when the amount of physical RAM memory is full. This tutorial covers the steps necessary to add a swap file to Ubuntu 18.04.

Make sure you replace 1G with 10G in the fallocate stage.

Now that you have a 10GB swap file (check it with htop), there’s one more thing I recommend: move the Jetson Nano over to its low power 5 watt mode. That’s because the MAXN 10watt mode will cause compilation on all 4 cores at 100%, for many hours, and especially if you have a fan and and SSD, the power draw might be bigger than your power supply can handle. Certainly was the case for me. So use the Nvidia menu in the taskbar to turn it over to 5 watt mode.


Now ensure your CUDA PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set for CUDA support. Add these to your .bashrc :

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}

And re-source it with source ~/.bashrc .


Python 3.69 and the related stack on the Jetson will result in a build, but it won’t work. You have to run a later version of Python, and I succeeded using Python 3.9. However note that you don’t want to replace the Jetson’s system Python 3.69 as the default python3 as this will break a lot of stuff. Instead, we’ll use a virtualenv. But before we do that, let’s install Python 3.9 but without making it the default Python:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa 
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.9 python3.9-dev

This will install python3.9 in your /usr/bin directory. However you’ll notice that when you type python3 you still get the system python 3.69 which is what we want. To use python 3.9 you have to explicitly run python3.9. However we’ll need a bunch of other things for python 3.9 and for that we’ll use a virtual env. To install virtual env we must first install pip3:

sudo apt install python3-pip


sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Remember to sudo here because we need it for all users.

Next we create a python3.9 virtualenv, here I’ll create a “py39”:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.9 py39

Activate it:

source ./py39/bin/activate

This is now virgin territory with no numpy scipy or anything (even though they’re installed on the system python). So:

python3 -m pip install numpy scipy six wheel


Now you’re ready to install jaxlib from source. Apt install necessary prerequisites:

sudo apt install g++

Clone the jax repository and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/google/jax
cd jax

You’re finally ready to compile:

python3 build/build.py --enable_cuda

This step will take 12 hours. It’s a humongous codebase. Your Jetson’s swap usage will go above 5GB at times.

Once compiled:

pip3 install dist/*.whl

… but all this was just to get jaxlib up and running, not jax itself. There’s one last step:

pip3 install -e
