I have just updated to JetPack 3.1. All went well according the jetpack installer. I wanted to try out some samples. I went to the readme and the instructions are no longer there they have been moved to Jetson Download Center | NVIDIA Developer where I have to login and download this tar file: Tegra_Multimedia_API_R24.2.2_aarch64.tbz2. I did that.
I tried sample 12 (12_camera_v4l2_cuda) using the options shown in the readme:
./camera_v4l2_cuda -d /dev/video0 -s 1280x720 -f YUYV -c
I get the following output:
ERROR: camera_initialize(): (line:238) Failed to set camera output format: Invalid argument (22)
ERROR: init_components(): (line:336) Failed to initialize camera device
ERROR: main(): (line:718) Failed to initialize v4l2 components
App run failed
I have no idea what the problem could be. I didn’t have a problem in JetPack 3.0
Next I tried the real-time inference example:
./backend 1 …/…/data/video/sample_outdoor_car_1080p_10fps.h264 H264
–gie-deployfile …/…/data/model/GoogleNet-modified.prototxt
–gie-modelfile …/…/data/model/GoogleNet-modified-online_iter_30000.caffemodel
–gie-forcefp32 0 --gie-proc-interval 1 -fps 10
I get the following output:
Error: Unknown option --gie-deployfile
backend … [options]
1-4, Number of file arguments should exactly match the number of channels specified
Supported formats:
-h,–help Prints this text
-fps Display rate in frames per second [Default = 30]
--s Give a statistic of each channel
--input-nalu Input to the decoder will be nal units[Default]
--input-chunks Input to the decoder will be a chunk of bytes
--trt-deployfile set deploy file name
--trt-modelfile set model file name
--trt-proc-interval set process interval, 1 frame will be process every trt-proc-interval
--trt-forcefp32 0 to use fp16 (if supported), 1 to use fp32
--trt-dumpresult 1 to dump result, 0[default] otherwise
--trt-enable-perf 1[default] to enable perf measurement, 0 otherwise
Why is that? Because the options are different. So, clearly the tgz file I told to download does not match the samples that were loaded by the jetpack installer.
Anybody care to explain why this is so screwed up?