I tried to enable secure boot at Jetson Xavier development kit(Public key + SBK + KEK’s).
After running odmfuse.sh & flashing with same keys Xavier failed to boot, also no logs on UART console.
I am using Jetson_Linux_R32.6.1 + secureboot_R32.6.1
Command which I used for burning fuses:
sudo ./odmfuse.sh -i 0x19 -k ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/rsa_priv.pem -S ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/sbk.key --KEK0 ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/kek0.key --KEK1 ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/kek1.key --KEK2 ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/kek2.key jetson-agx-xavier-devkit
Please find logs from odmfuse in the attachment(it’s not a first execution of this script, but fuse values - looks like OK,
odmfuse_log.txt (95.8 KB)
same as at the source files)
Flashing command:
sudo BOARDID=2888 FAB=400 BOARDSKU=0004 BOARDREV=K.0 ./flash.sh -u ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/rsa_priv.pem -v ~/xavier/key_gen/keys/sbk.key jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1
Please find logs from the flash utility & UART console in the attachment
flash_log.txt (117.8 KB)
flash_serial_log.txt (11.7 KB)
odmfuse_log.txt (95.8 KB)