Jetson AGX Orin SDK manager error

Dear Team

I am trying to flash my Jetson AGX orin with jetpack 5.0.2. I am facing the error. I am attaching the error log files that are generated through the SDK manager. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

SDKM_logs_JetPack_5.0.2_(rev._2)_Linux_for_Jetson_AGX_Orin_modules_2023-…zip (217.1 KB)

Are you using VM?
Which Ubuntu OS version on your host machine?


I don’t see any error in the log file you posted, and the flashing process seemed to have completed successfully.
Also, the flashing log indicated that the device was a Xavier NX, but you were saying it’s an AGX Orin, can you please confirm it? Or you posted the wrong log here?

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