Jetson Nano 4gb board showing errors upon boot

We use Jetson 4GB onboard computer on our drone for autonomous flight. Recently we were not able to connect with jetson using ssh. We connected Jetson with display and it showed this error

  1. iulwifi 0000:01:

.2278771 iulwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for 2372121 iulwifi 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper

1 (4 of 4) A start job is running for Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled (12s / no limit) [ 17.

5.503519) thermal thermal zone6: failed to read out thermal zone (-5)

7.930268] sdhci:=========== REGISTER DUMP (mmc0) ===========

17.936690) sdhci: Sys addr: 0x00000400

Version: 0x00000303

17.943098] sdhci: Blk size: 0x00007200 Blk cnt: 0x000000dc 17.949498] sdhci: Argument: 0x03fbf000 Trn mode: 0x0000003b

17.955901) sdhci: Present: 0x01fb0000 | Host ctl: 0x00000017

17.962302] sdhci: Power:

0x00000001 Blk gap: 0x00000000

17.968700] sdhci: Hake-up: 0x00000000 Clock: 0x00000007

17.975096] sdhci: Timeout: 0x0000000e

Int stat: 0x00000000

17.981498) sdhci: Int enab: 0x02ff100b Sig enab: 0x02fc100b


Slot int: 0x00000000

sdhci: AC12 err: 0x00000000 sdhci: Caps: 0x376cd08c Caps_1: 0x10006f73

17.994295] 18.0006921

sdhci: Cmd: 0x0000123a Max curr: 0x00000000

sdc1: Host 18.007087) sdhci: Host ct12: 0x0000308b

18.011426] sdhci: ADMA Err: 0x00000000| ADMA Ptr: 0x00000000ffefe470

18.018617) sdhci:

18.0261401 mmcb1k0: error -110 transferring data, sector 66842624, nr 1024, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x80b00 ] (2 of 4) start tart job is running for GNOME Display Manager (26s / 1min 33s) [ 29.511296] mmc0: Data timeout error


[ 29.515250] sdhci:====== REGISTER DUMP (mmc0)===========

29.521672) sdhci: Sys addr: 0x00000400 29.528083] sdhci: Blk size: 0x000072001


Version: 0x00000303

Blk cnt: 0x000000e4

29.534489] sdhci: Argument: 0x03fbf000 Trn mode: 0x0000003b

29.540972] sdhci: Present: 0x01fb0000 29.540994] sdhci: Power: 0x00000001

Host ctl: 0x00000017

29.541014) sdhci: Hake-up: 0x00000000 Clock: 0x00000007

Blk gap: 0x00000000

29.541035] sdhci: Timeout: 0x0000000e 29.541057] sdhci: Int enab: 0x02ff100b

Int stat: 0x00000000

29.541078] sdhci: 29.541100) sdhci: Caps: 0x376cd08c

Sig enab: 0x02fc100b AC12 err: 0x00000000 Slot Int: 0x00000000

29.541121] sdhci: Cmd: 29.541138] sdhci: Host ct12: 0x0000300b

Caps 1: 0x10006f73

0x0000123a Max curr: 0x00000000

29.541163) sdhci: ADMA Err: 0x00000000 | ADMA Ptr: 0x00000000ffefed70

29.541221] sdhci: ==========================

29.541770 mmcblko: error 110


After this error, we formatted the sd card and flashed the backup image file to the card and when we connected jetson to display using HDMI and tried to boot, it showed this error:

1.100591) tegradc tegradc.1: dpd enable lookup fail:-19

1.3230651 1mx219 6-0010: 1mx219_board_setup: error during 12c read probe (-121)


1mx219 6-0010: board setup failed

: not writing

through dangling symlink etc/resolv.conf 2.204502] cgroup: cgroup2: unknown option “nsdelegate”

3.351242] iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct back to user helper

3.368242] 3.507527]

iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: using random self ethernet address


firmuare load for luluifi-8265-26.ucode failed with error -2

using random host ethernet address

3.785063) rando

init done random: crng init

3.788506] random: 7 urandom warning (s) missed due to ratelimiting iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for luluifi-8265-25.ucode failed with error -2

3.959910) 3.969220) iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper 3.976293) iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmuare load for luluifi-8265-24.ucode failed with error -2

  1. iulwifi 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper


4.015087) Iulwifi 0000:01:00.0: Direct firmware load for iulwifi-8265-23.ucode failed with error -2 4.0243931 iulwifi 0000:01:00.0: Falling back to user helper

4.511055] thermal thermal-zone6: failed to read out thermal zone (-5)

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue or what this issue is about?

I am curious, is this the SD card model of dev kit? Or is it a third party carrier board on a unit using eMMC? I am only guessing, but it sure looks like SD card (or eMMC) read error (in which case a new SD card or a flashed eMMC would be the next test, but you could clone eMMC first or use a separate SD card to preserve the original).

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