Hello, i am trying to build a mobile 4 wheeled rover with 4 quadrature encoders
i use an arduino due to read the encoder counts and then later publish them as ros topics.
I know that my arduino code is correct since i have got it working with my pc running ros kinetic,
however jetson nano uses ros melodic but the python scripts working as drivers should’t be affected
When i connect the arduino due to the Nano through usb, it returns wrong encoder count values back to the Nano although the communication bewteen them is succesfull.
I’m a little lost, what advice you give me to connect arduino boards with the nano specifically (due with ros), should i use I2C instead of the usb?
Are there any easy ways to read 4 quadrature encoders directly to the nano and sent pwm pulses?
Thank you, sorry for the ambiquity of my question