Jetson Nano compile to exe ? Licence restrictions?

I’d like to buy a Jetson Nano, but I wonder if when my project is ready I can compile sources to an exe, or if I need another Jetson Nano to start one another project ? And what are the backup solutions when the project is ready ?
I wonder if I can commercialize solutions created with, what are rhe license’s restrictions ?
Best regards, Lob

We have jetson_multimedia_api samples. You may take a look at document:
Jetson Linux API Reference: Main Page
And legal information:
Jetson Linux API Reference: NVIDIA Legal Information

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If you have a particular scenario or case in mind (or several), then you might ask with more detail. In general though one can create and deploy software even for commercial use on Linux, and Jetsons just run Linux with a few extra drivers specific to the hardware. You would not need to have any special licensing for your software in most cases so long as you are not claiming ownership of the software from the operating system or third parties.

Backing up software you’ve created is also easy.

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