I’m new on Jetson Family. I want to use Desktop Sharing App like Team-viewer,Any Desk. I tried to install both of them. But some processor issues appear when I was installing. I want to connect my Jatson from my PC which is loaded with Windows OS.
I tried lost of way. But all ways related Linux on personal computer, I’m not found any information directly related Jetson Nano kit.
Could anyone help and suggestion me about situation?
Ah.!! thank you @devemin. I was also try this enabling issues but the solutions I looked at did not work. I could try only firs part cause of workload. I think for more, it will help me too.
Hi, I am a total noob. Trying to follow the same guide, but I am stuck at adding the “key” to the XML file. How do you do that? Do you need to specify a key name and type? Where do you add the suggested text?
Please clarify this for me, if you have a couple minutes! Thanks in advance!
Please add the following to the xml and try again.
<key name=’enabled’ type=’b’>
<summary>Enable remote access to the desktop</summary>
If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB
protocol. Users on remote machines may then connect to the
desktop using a VNC viewer.
If you had installed with Anydesk. Please guide me how to install Anydesk in NVIDIA jetson nano. Orelse if there are any other options to share remote location please help !!
Why doesnt nvidia fix this issue? They are selling their state of the art microcomputer for edge AI applications with VNC access broken?? How can this be acceptable?