MobaXterm_COM_20240322_121245.txt (13.7 KB)
My Jetson Nano development board is able to boot up normally and enter the system when the SD card with the operating system is properly installed.
However, after some motherboards have been powered off and left idle for a period of time, they are unable to boot up again. Upon connecting to the debug serial port to check the print logs, it is observed that the system keeps looping through reboots.
The following are the reboot logs
[0000.125] [L4T TegraBoot] (version 00.00.2018.01-l4t-e82258de)
[0000.130] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.135] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 1023
[0000.138] Power-up reason: pmc por
[0000.141] No Battery Present
[0000.144] pmic max77620 reset reason
[0000.147] pmic max77620 NVERC : 0x40
[0000.151] RamCode = 0
[0000.153] Platform has DDR4 type RAM
[0000.156] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.161] Setting DDR voltage to 1125mv
[0000.165] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x240d64
[0000.172] Entering ramdump check
[0000.175] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.179] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0, RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.184] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.188] Sdram initialization is successful
[0000.192] SecureOs Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.199] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff780000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.204] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0x00000000ff700000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.210] GSC1 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.216] GSC2 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.222] GSC4 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.228] GSC5 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.234] GSC3 Carveout Base=0x000000017f300000 Size=0x00d00000
[0000.250] RamDump Carveout Base=0x00000000ff280000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.256] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.259] Nck Carveout Base=0x00000000ff080000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.265] Non secure mode, and RB not enabled.
[0000.269] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.272] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.276] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0000.281] Read PT from (2:0)
[0000.296] Using BFS PT to query partitions
[0000.302] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.330] Verifying TBC in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.341] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.348] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.352] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.357] MAX77620_GPIO5 configured
[0000.360] CPU power rail is up
[0000.363] CPU clock enabled
[0000.367] Performing RAM repair
[0000.370] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.375] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.378] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.382] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0000.387] Loading NvTbootBootloaderDTB
[0000.453] Verifying NvTbootBootloaderDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.525] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.529] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.532] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.536] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0000.541] Loading NvTbootKernelDTB
[0000.607] Verifying NvTbootKernelDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.678] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83100000
[0000.682] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.686] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.689] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0000.696] Loading cboot binary
[0000.811] Verifying EBT in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.853] Bootloader load address is 0x92c00000, entry address is 0x92c00258
[0000.860] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.864] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.868] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.871] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0000.876] PT: Partition NCT NOT found !
[0000.880] Warning: Find Partition via PT Failed
[0000.884] Next binary entry address: 0x92c00258
[0000.888] BoardId: 3448
[0000.893] Overriding pmu board id with proc board id
[0000.898] Display board id is not available
[0000.902] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0000.905] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0000.909] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0001.014] Verifying SC7EntryFw in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0001.070] /bpmp deleted
[0001.072] SC7EntryFw header found loaded at 0xff700000
[0001.260] OVR2 PMIC
[0001.262] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0001.266] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0001.269] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0001.273] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0001.278] WB0 init successfully at 0xff780000
[0001.283] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0001.286] GSC2 address ff53fffc value c0edbbcc
[0001.292] GSC MC Settings done
[0001.295] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x0
[0001.299] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0
[0001.302] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI …
[0001.308] TOS Image length 53680
[0001.311] Monitor size 53680
[0001.314] OS size 0
[0001.329] Secure Os AES-CMAC Verification Success!
[0001.333] TOS image cipher info: plaintext
[0001.337] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0001.353] SC7 Entry Firmware - 0xff700000, 0x4000
[0001.358] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start.
[0001.363] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done.
[0001.367] Tegraboot started after 51842 us
[0001.371] Basic modules init took 884307 us
[0001.375] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 12 ms, Read Size = 61 KB
[0001.380] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB
[0001.386] Next stage binary read took 102861 us
[0001.390] Carveout took -126358 us
[0001.393] CPU initialization took 487211 us
[0001.397] Total time taken by TegraBoot 1348021 us
[0001.402] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor
64NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):f9bf1e1
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 21:16:40, Jun 8 2023
ERROR: Error initializing runtime service trusty_fast
[0001.525] RamCode = 0
[0001.534] LPDDR4 Training: found 4 entries (2 nominal, 2 derated)
[0001.540] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.553] EMC Training Successful
[0001.556] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.568] EMC Training Successful
[0001.571] 408000 not found in DVFS table
[0001.612] RamCode = 0
[0001.618] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.625] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.633] DT Write: emc-table-derated@204000 succeeded
[0001.642] DT Write: emc-table-derated@1600000 succeeded
[0001.647] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 4
[0001.696] Debug Init done
[0001.699] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.701] Bootloader DTB loaded at 0x83000000
[0001.706] Marked DTB cacheable
[0001.709] Kernel DTB loaded at 0x83100000
[0001.713] DeviceTree Init done
[0001.728] Pinmux applied successfully
[0001.733] gicd_base: 0x50041000
[0001.736] gicc_base: 0x50042000
[0001.739] Interrupts Init done
[0001.744] Using base:0x60005090 & irq:208 for tick-timer
[0001.749] Using base:0x60005098 for delay-timer
[0001.754] platform_init_timer: DONE
[0001.757] Timer(tick) Init done
[0001.761] osc freq = 38400 khz
[0001.766] Welcome to L4T Cboot
[0001.770] Cboot Version: 00.00.2018.01-t210-acb23272
[0001.775] calling constructors
[0001.778] initializing heap
[0001.781] initializing threads
[0001.784] initializing timers
[0001.787] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.791] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.794] CPU: ARM Cortex A57
[0001.797] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD071, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.802] initializing platform
[0001.810] Manufacturer: MF = 0xc2, ID MSB = 0x25
[0001.814] ID LSB = 0x36, ID-CFI len = 194 bytes
[0001.819] Macronix QSPI chip present
[0001.822] SPI device register
[0001.825] init boot device
[0001.828] allocating memory for boot device(SPI)
[0001.832] registering boot device
[0001.841] QSPI bdev is already initialized
[0001.845] Enable APE clock
[0001.847] Un-powergate APE partition
[0001.851] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal
[0001.856] of_register: registering inv20628-driver to of_hal
[0001.862] of_register: registering ads1015-driver to of_hal
[0001.867] of_register: registering lp8557-bl-driver to of_hal
[0001.873] of_register: registering bq2419x_charger to of_hal
[0001.879] of_register: registering bq27441_fuel_gauge to of_hal
[0001.891] gpio framework initialized
[0001.895] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.900] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal
[0001.905] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.911] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.917] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal
[0001.922] pmic framework initialized
[0001.926] of_register: registering max77620_pmic to of_hal
[0001.931] regulator framework initialized
[0001.935] of_register: registering tps65132_bl_driver to of_hal
[0001.941] initializing target
[0001.948] gpio_driver_register: register ‘tegra_gpio_driver’ driver
[0001.956] board ID = D78, board SKU = 0
[0001.960] Skipping Z3!
[0001.965] fixed regulator driver initialized
[0001.986] initializing OF layer
[0001.989] NCK carveout not present
[0001.993] Skipping dts_overrides
[0001.997] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.016] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.019] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.030] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.032] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.043] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.046] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.057] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.060] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.071] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.073] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string maxim,max77620
[0002.084] max77620_init using irq 118
[0002.089] register ‘maxim,max77620’ pmic
[0002.094] gpio_driver_register: register ‘max77620-gpio’ driver
[0002.100] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c
[0002.111] I2C Bus Init done
[0002.115] NCK carveout not present
[0002.126] Find /i2c@7000c000’s alias i2c0
[0002.130] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.140] Find /i2c@7000c500’s alias i2c2
[0002.144] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.148] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.153] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.158] I2C slave not started
[0002.161] I2C write failed
[0002.163] Writing offset failed
[0002.166] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.170] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.175] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.205] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-402
[0002.212] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-402=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.220] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.225] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.255] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3449-0000-400
[0002.261] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3449-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57
[0002.270] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.300] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.306] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB
[0002.314] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff)
[0002.320] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB
[0002.329] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 48:b0:2d:ec:20:6f
[0002.335] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x000a4000
[0002.348] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000
[0002.364] Find /i2c@7000c000’s alias i2c0
[0002.368] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.378] Find /i2c@7000c500’s alias i2c2
[0002.382] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.386] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.391] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.396] I2C slave not started
[0002.399] I2C write failed
[0002.401] Writing offset failed
[0002.405] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed
[0002.408] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed
[0002.413] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0
[0002.443] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0000-402
[0002.449] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0000-402=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50
[0002.456] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.461] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0
[0002.491] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3449-0000-400
[0002.497] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3449-0000-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57
[0002.504] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful
[0002.535] Add serial number:1423623041857 as DT property
[0002.543] Applying platform configs
[0002.550] platform-init is not present. Skipping
[0002.555] calling apps_init()
[0002.561] Couldn’t find GPT header
[0002.565] Proceeding to Cold Boot
[0002.568] starting app android_boot_app
[0002.572] Device state: unlocked
[0002.575] display console init
[0002.585] could not find regulator
[0002.608] hdmi cable not connected
[0002.612] is_hdmi_needed: HDMI not connected, returninDT entry for leds-pwm not found
g[0002.624] false
[0002.625] hdmi is not connected
[0002.629] sor0 is not supported
[0002.632] display_console_init: no valid display out_type
[0002.640] subnode volume_up is not found !
[0002.644] subnode back is not found !
[0002.648] subnode volume_down is not found !
[0002.652] subnode menu is not found !
[0002.655] Gpio keyboard init success
[0002.736] found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0002.750] decompressing blob (type 1)…
[0002.816] display_resolution: No display init
[0002.820] Failed to retrieve display resolution
[0002.825] Could not load/initialize BMP blob…ignoring
[0002.830] -------> se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: 747
[0002.835] se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: Error
[0002.839] SE operation failed
[0002.841] bl_battery_charging: connected to external power supply
[0002.851] display_console_ioctl: No display init
[0002.856] switch_backlight failed
[0002.862] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition spiflash0:MSC !
[0002.869] MSC Partition not found
[0002.876] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition spiflash0:USP !
[0002.883] USP partition read failed!
[0002.886] blob_init: blob-partition USP header read failed
[0002.892] android_boot Unable to update recovery partition
[0002.897] kfs_getpartname: name = LNX
[0002.901] Loading kernel from LNX
[0002.910] Found 19 BFS partitions in “spiflash0”
[0003.231] Failed to validate boot-image
[0003.235] Set to failover in the next boot
[0003.239] fail control word = 0xecf6da38
[0003.242] Rebooting …