Hi, I am currently working with a pi camera (Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera 8MP v2 Sony IMX219 image sensor). but I am not able to access it. Does this camera is supported by jetson nano?
Here is the camera link :
After using the command “ls -ltr /dev/video*”, it is not showing any camera devices.
Hi sagar.jadhav, IMX219-based sensors should be supported, however I am unsure if the NoIR aspect of this particular camera requires special driver support, or if the NoIR is external and just related to the optics of the camera.
Do you get a video feed if you run the “nvgstcapture-1.0” camera viewer application? Do you get any relevant info from dmesg kernel log?
Also, are you sure the camera’s flexcable isn’t plugged into the Nano’s camera header backwards?
I am using a Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera v2 Sony IMX219 image sensor
it just works
however from the website you sent, it is not a authentic version of the camera.
you can goto element14 website to check.
Therefore it might work on native raspberry pi but not on jetson nano.
I happen to have order one which don’t work on jetson nano but working fine with original raspberry.