When I try to start it, what I find is that my device doesnt boot up properly, the phenomenon is that it keeps rebooting over and over again. After that I tried to use ttl to get boot info and this what I got:
The problem in the title is due to the error displayed when i plug in the DP cable(system already start without plug DP cable), and screen fully white.
The uploaded file is the log i get by typing reboot in terminal after plugging in the DP cable.
So when i plugged in the dp cable and booted up to get the same log as in the case of the file i uploaded.
Since the device has been reflashed now and is being used by someone else, i cant redo the demo for you.I will retest when the device is free.
PS:probably caused by booting with a nvme from another device(hardware model is exactly the same , and i can use it normally on other devices of the same hardware)