Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit fails to boot due to L4TLauncher: Unable to locate L4T Support protocol: Not Found

My Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit splash screen displays the following errors on boot:

L4TLauncher: Unable to locate L4T Support protocol: Not Found
L4TLauncher: Using legacy interface. Support would be deprecated soon!!
L4TLauncher: Failed to get PlatformResourceInfo
Error: Could not detect network connection.

This occurs after both:

  1. Using the following dd command (on an inserted, unmounted microsd card in an sd card reader).

sudo /usr/bin/unzip -p ~/Downloads/ | sudo /bin/dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress

  1. And also after using Balena Etcher to copy and verify the sd image.

i. I tried both methods on separate troubleshooting attempts.
ii. Firmware version is 36.2.0-********, so I shouldn’t need to update the firmware.
iii. I was previously successful with the dd command on jp61.
iv. To boot up the Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit, I insert the microsd and plug in the power cord. I don’t run any commands.

What can I do to troubleshoot next?
a. My next best guess would be a new microsd card and sd card reader, however Balena Etcher did successfully verify the copied image so I’m not positive this is an issue with my sd card.

Thanks for any suggestions.

A full log might be needed here. Are you able to follow below page and dump full boot log from your device?