Jetson orin nvmm libargus no cameras available

hi nvidia,
i am new to jetson orin and use standard v4l2 interface to get ov5693 sensor image successfully. And i want to use libargus to capture the same sensor image, but found that report the errors like follows,

Error generated. /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/multimedia/nvgstreamer/gst-nvarguscamera/gstnvarguscamerasrc.cpp, execute:751 No cameras available
    i try to use the gst-lauch cmd, but All of them failed. 
    so i want to ask nvidia where the problem is?
    how to use the libargus, is there Any examples?
    how to use NVMM modules, is ther Any examples?


hello 1351706412 ,

are you using AGX Orin developer kit? please also share which JetPack release version you’re using.

yes i use agx orin kit. and my jetpack version is R35.1

hello 1351706412,

is there a flex cable to connect this camera board to AGX Orin?
as I know, this is blocked by board design, you cannot insert the ov5693 reference camera board directly.

anyways, gst pipeline indicate no cameras available failures.
you may review sensor device tree for the settings within tegra-camera-platform{}

yes my team design a adapter sensor board to connect agx orin, And i have capture the image by v4l2 successfully.
jetpack version R35.1 has any examples based libargus or NVMM examples? i plan to use this way to capture images

hello 1351706412,

it may be clocking issue for success capture via v4l2 but not Argus.
please still review sensor device tree for the settings within tegra-camera-platform{} since that’s Argus pipeline looking for.

here is my node, please help me check check?

    tegra-camera-platform {
            compatible = "nvidia, tegra-camera-platform";
            * Physical settings to calculate max ISO BW
            * num_csi_lanes = <>;
            * Total number of CSI lanes when all cameras are active
            * max_lane_speed = <>;
            * Max lane speed in Kbit/s
            * min_bits_per_pixel = <>;
            * Min bits per pixel
            * vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
            * Max byte per pixel for the VI ISO case
            * vi_bw_margin_pct = <>;
            * Vi bandwidth margin in percentage
            * max_pixel_rate = <>;
            * Max pixel rate in Kpixel/s for the ISP ISO case
            * Set this to the highest pix_clk_hz out of all available modes.
            * isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
            * Max byte per pixel for the ISP ISO case
            * isp_bw_margin_pct = <>;
            * Isp bandwidth margin in percentage
            num_csi_lanes = <4>;
            max_lane_speed = <1500000>;
            min_bits_per_pixel = <10>;
            vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <2>;
            vi_bw_margin_pct = <25>;
            max_pixel_rate = <800000>;
            isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <5>;
            isp_bw_margin_pct = <25>;

            * The general guideline for naming badge_info contains 3 parts, and is as follows,
            * The first part is the camera_board_id for the module; if the module is in a FFD
            * platform, then use the platform name for this part.
            * The second part contains the position of the module, ex. “rear” or “front”.
            * The third part contains the last 6 characters of a part number which is found
            * in the module's specsheet from the vender.
            modules {
                    module0 {
                            badge = "e3333_bottomleft_P5V27C";
                            position = "bottomleft";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 30-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@70/i2c@0/ov5693_a@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";
                    module1 {
                            badge = "e3333_centerleft_P5V27C";
                            position = "centerleft";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 31-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@70/i2c@1/ov5693_b@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";
                    module2 {
                            badge = "e3333_centerright_P5V27C";
                            position = "centerright";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 32-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@77/i2c@2/ov5693_c@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";
                    module3 {
                            badge = "e3333_topleft_P5V27C";
                            position = "topleft";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 33-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@77/i2c@3/ov5693_d@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";
                    module4 {
                            badge = "e3333_bottomright_P5V27C";
                            position = "bottomright";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 34-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@77/i2c@4/ov5693_e@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";
                    module5 {
                            badge = "e3333_topright_P5V27C";
                            position = "topright";
                            orientation = "1";
                            drivernode0 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
                                    devname = "ov5693 35-0036";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/tca9548@77/i2c@5/ov5693_g@36";
                            drivernode1 {
                                    pcl_id = "v4l2_lens";
                                    proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/e3333_lens_ov5693@P5V27C/";


hello 1351706412,

please review num_csi_lanes settings, this is define of the total active CSI lanes in your system.
you’ve define it as 4, but it looks you’ve total six cameras in your system.
for example,

   tegra-camera-platform {
           num_csi_lanes = <4>;

are you using a six cam reference board? there’s device tree overlay to configure this.
you may running Jetson-IO to update CSI connections.

thank you for your reply.
my sensor is two eyes, each mipi lane has two csi_lanes , so the num_csi_lanes == 4 is configured totally ok. And your means i must remove module 2 ~ module 5 in “tegra-camera-platform” Node ?

hello 1351706412,

yes, please update tegra-camera-platform {} identical with your physical camera setups.
BTW, you may using position property as rear and front for the dual camera system.

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