Jetson Orin NX power management parameters


I am current diagnosing Jetson Orin NX. I come across with the following parameters which do not have labels when I acquire them. Could anyone here help please.

The parameters are:


There are nine temperatures represent 9 different thermazl_ones, but I don’t know what these zones are and what device’s temperature they are representing. Where in the datasheet would I be able to find out?

Hi cyip,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin NX?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

Please refer to Jetson Orin Nano Series, Jetson Orin NX Series and Jetson AGX Orin Series for details

Hi Kevin

I am using Devkit for Orin Nx wit Jetpack version of 5.1.2

Please refer to the link I shared and let me know if you have further questions.
There should be 3 channels for specific current, and the channel 4 is the summation of channel 1 to 3.
You could just ignore the voltage input 4 to 6.

Thank you for your reply.

As I see from the link you shared, curr4_input is the summation of curr1_input to curr3_input, but the numbers do not add up, most of the time curr4_input is lower the summation of the 3, but sometimes curr4_input spikes to a certain value that exceeds the summation of the 3 current inputs. Curr4_input fluctuates a lot, could you advise please.

Also, what is the dynamic hwmon indices in the path below?
What is the range of , and what does each hwmon represent?

(Where is dynamic hwmon indexes)


Sorry that Channel 4 should be the summation of just Channel 1(VDD_IN) and Channel 2(VDD_CPU_GPU_CV). (i.e. no Channel 3(VDD_SOC) included)

Please run the following command on your board.

$ ls -l /sys/class/hwmon/

You could check which driver register the corresponding hwmon.

But the document refers to the current not VDD, as shown in the image below

As we can see “For equals to 4, it represents the summation of the channel”. I believe refers to curr_input which is the current, correct? But your reply states that its summation of voltage. I am confused here.

Speaking of voltage, in7_input has a label of summation of the shunt voltage, could you confirm that the reading from /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/ina3221/1-0040/hwmon/hwmon/in7_input is in milliwatt rather than millivolt, since what we measured from in7_input is way higher than our in1_input (VDD_IN) which does not make sense.

What I paste is the Voltage for different channel and they are also mapping to the Current for each channel.

Okay, so voltage and current have the same mapping of <j>, is it correct? But the data we acquire from the Orin still don’t make sense, Channel 4 value is not the sum of Channel 1 (VDD_IN) and Channel 2 (VDD_CPU_GPU_CV).

Also, looking back to your replies, shown below, you said Voltage input_4 can be ignored, but now you said voltage 4 is the sum of VDD_IN and VDD_CPU_GPU_CV, but it does not match my data. Could you clarify more on these voltage and current parameters please.

Correct, could you share the value of curr1_input, curr2_input, curr4_input in your case?

Normally, we just care about channel 1 to channel 3 as I shared the screenshot before.
Some channels may be redundant or for internal use only.

May I know what’s your use case? What current/voltage are you looking for?

Thank you for your reply, Kevin.

I will provide two sets of values of curr1_input, curr2_input and curr4_input where there are no spikes and there are spikes in curr4_input.

Set 1 (No spikes in curr4_input):
curr1_input: 3304
curr2_input: 1936
curr4_input: 4992

Set 2: (Spikes in curr4_input)
curr1_input: 3200
curr2_input: 1880
curr4_input: 10312

I am trying to understand why there are spikes in curr4_input, would this spikes in curr4_input affect other components in the I2C, which in turn causes packet loss, which I am experiencing at the moment, while transmitting data across ethernet cable.

Sorry that there’s wrong information above for Orin NX.

in*_input → milliVolt
shunt*_resistor → microOhm
curr*_input → milliA

curr1_input = in4_input / shunt1_resistor
curr2_input = in5_input / shunt2_resistor
curr3_input = in6_input / shunt3_resistor
curr4_input = curr1_input+curr2_input+curr3_input

in7_input = in4_input + in5_input + in6_input

The shunt resistor should be 5 milliOhm for Orin NX by default. (you could check shunt*_resistor)

Please check if the reading on your board matches with the above relationship.

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