The host failed to generate an image or even recognize the target hardware at the last step when we perform the image flashing process.
The model numbers of the Carrier board and the core board are P3766 and P3767. P3767 is Jetson Orin NX SOM mentioned in the document “Adaptation and Bring up for Jetson Orin NX” but P3766 can not be found in any documents attached with the Orin NX download center.
How do we adjust our experiment to successfully get the board running?
Thank you, I will try it out.
Is it possible that the problem might be the NVMe we used? it is a recommended one mentioned on “Jetson_Linux_Release_Notes_r35.2 EA”
After re-set up the Host environment and replacing a recommended SSD the whole process goes fine till the last step shown in the attached picture.
It shows No /dev/nvmen1. Does it mean the new SSD has not been recognized?
A USB drive is an option. But I noticed the part number in the recommended patches before running the flash USB SSD command is p3768, which made me confused again. The combination on my hand is p3766 and p3767. Is the p3766 compatible with the p3767 and Orin NX? Do p3768 patches have something to do with p3766?
There are 13 steps flashing Orin NX NVMe SSD on the document. Should the Orin NX be connected to the host at step 1 or it will work even after step 12 before starts flashing?
Please be aware that “flashing nvme” or “flashing usb drive” has not much difference. Just one case is usb drive while another one is nvme drive. Flashing steps are similar but you need to change the device from something like /dev/nvme0n1 to /dev/sda1, something like that.