Jetson TX2 Rudi - GPIO


I’m trying to use GitHub - NVIDIA/jetson-gpio: A Python library that enables the use of Jetson's GPIOs but returns error

Python 3.6.9 (default, Jan 26 2021, 15:33:00)
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO
WARNING: Carrier board is not from a Jetson Developer Kit.
WARNNIG: Jetson.GPIO library has not been verified with this carrier board,
WARNING: and in fact is unlikely to work correctly.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “”, line 971, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 656, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 626, in _load_backward_compatible
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/Jetson.GPIO-2.0.16-py3.6.egg/Jetson/GPIO/”, line 1, in
File “”, line 971, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 656, in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 626, in _load_backward_compatible
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/Jetson.GPIO-2.0.16-py3.6.egg/Jetson/GPIO/”, line 70, in
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/Jetson.GPIO-2.0.16-py3.6.egg/Jetson/GPIO/”, line 458, in get_data
Exception: Cannot find GPIO chip 3160000.i2c/i2c-0/0-0074

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
gpiochip3: GPIOs 232-247, parent: i2c/1-0074, tca9539, can sleep:

gpiochip2: GPIOs 248-255, parent: platform/max77620-gpio, max77620-gpio, can sleep:
gpio-248 ( |external-connection:) in lo
gpio-253 ( |spmic_gpio_input ) in lo
gpio-254 ( |spmic_gpio_input ) in hi

gpiochip1: GPIOs 256-319, parent: platform/c2f0000.gpio, tegra-gpio-aon:
gpio-272 ( |temp-alert ) in hi
gpio-312 ( |Power ) in hi
gpio-313 ( |Volume Up ) in hi
gpio-314 ( |Volume Down ) in hi
gpio-315 ( |wifi-wake-ap ) in lo
gpio-316 ( |bt_host_wake ) in lo

gpiochip0: GPIOs 320-511, parent: platform/2200000.gpio, tegra-gpio:
gpio-381 ( |reset_gpio ) out lo
gpio-412 ( |vdd-usb0-5v ) out lo
gpio-413 ( |vdd-usb1-5v ) out lo
gpio-420 ( |eqos_phy_reset ) out hi
gpio-424 ( |wlan_pwr ) out hi
gpio-441 ( |hdmi2.0_hpd ) in lo
gpio-444 ( |wp ) in hi
gpio-445 ( |cd ) in hi
gpio-446 ( |en-vdd-sd ) out lo
gpio-459 ( |pcie0_lane2_mux ) out lo
gpio-479 ( |external-connection:) in lo
gpio-484 ( |bt_ext_wake ) out hi

cat /etc/nv_tegra_release

R32 (release), REVISION: 4.4, GCID: 23942405, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Fri Oct 16 19:37:08 UTC 2020

JetPack 4.4.1

hello ricardomagalhaes,

according to above, are you working with customize carrier board?

Hi JerryChang,

the board is a Jetson TX2/TX1 Rudi.


hello ricardomagalhaes,

I assume some pin were used by Connect Tech’s Rudi, please contact with them for further supports.

ok, thanks

Hi ricardomagalhaes -

If you fill out our support form (found here) our Tech Team will help get you up and running and answer any questions you may have.

Let me know if I can help!


Hi jross,

I already found the solution here.

thanks anyway

Excellent! I’m glad to hear you’re up and running. Just let me know if you have any additional questions :)

I’m trying to use the same library as well GitHub - NVIDIA/jetson-gpio: A Python library that enables the use of Jetson’s GPIOs but I get the below error:

WARNING: Carrier board is not from a Jetson Developer Kit.
WARNNIG: Jetson.GPIO library has not been verified with this carrier board,
WARNING: and in fact is unlikely to work correctly.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    import adafruit_hcsr04
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 33, in <module>
    from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 29, in <module>
    from import Pin
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/adafruit_blinka/microcontroller/tegra/t186/", line 4, in <module>
    import Jetson.GPIO as GPIO
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Jetson/GPIO/", line 1, in <module>
    from .gpio import *
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Jetson/GPIO/", line 70, in <module>
    model, JETSON_INFO, _channel_data_by_mode = gpio_pin_data.get_data()
  File "/home/jetson-tx2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Jetson/GPIO/", line 460, in get_data
    raise Exception('Cannot find GPIO chip ' + gpio_chip_name)
Exception: Cannot find GPIO chip 3160000.i2c/i2c-0/0-0074

I’m using a Connecttech Astro Carrier Board. Any help would be appreciated.


In python it uses import subprocess. To use the io see the page