Joint problem after Exclude From Articulation enabled in parallel gripper

I was able to import my own robot arm, despite running into a number of problems along the way. It took me 5 days to import the arm and get it to mimic the pick and place example in the documentation. However, I ran into a problem when I tried to use a parallel gripper. I needed to exclude a joint from articulation, but this caused a large joint tolerance that affected the gripper’s ability to grip objects. The gripper fingers should be parallel, but they were not due to the large joint tolerance. also is there a way to make the cube object a little soft as in reality it will be made of cardboard so when the gripper hold it, it will squeeze a little bit.

Hi @haitham.adel - Someone from our team will review and respond back to you.

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Hi @haitham.adel - Apologies for the delay in response. Please let us know if you are still having any issues or questions after using the latest Isaac Sim release.