Hi All.
We want to integrate LAN7431 with Jetson Xavior NX. We tried to go through the kernel sources of Jetpack4.6.1 and did not find support for LAN7431. When we discussed the same with Microchip , they said it is supported in Jetpack as they see it before. Could please help confirming whether we have support for LAN7431 in Jetpack4.6.1, If yes, please point us to the sources as we could not find it in source we are looking at.
Thanks for the quick reply. We too checked the same sources for LAN7431 support and did not find LAN743x/1 drivers (under public_sources/Linux_for_Tegra/source/public/kernel_src/kernel/kernel-4.9/drivers/net/ethernet/microchip). As Microchip claims that it is having support, by any chance do nvidia have any external patch for the same.