Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD driver 410.93 [long-lived branch release]

Release highlights since 410.78:

    * Fixed a bug that could prevent display detection from working on displays connected to some notebook docking stations.
    • Added support for the following GPU:

      • Quadro RTX 8000
    • Fixed a bug which could cause VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd operations
      to fail.

    • Fixed a build failure, “implicit declaration of function
      ‘vm_insert_pfn’”, when building the NVIDIA DRM kernel module for Linux
      kernel 4.20 release candidates.

    • Fixed a build failure, “unknown type name ‘ipmi_user_t’”, when building
      the NVIDIA kernel module for Linux kernel 4.20 release candidates.

    • Added a new kernel module parameter, NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers,
      to allow restricting the use of GPU performance counters to system
      administrators only.

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